December 15, 2021
The coronavirus is still a concern for us all, especially with the Delta and Omicron variants being as prevalent as they are. Therefore, Tumblebus Allstars is taking certain precautions to keep your children safe and to help stop the spread. These precautions include, but are not limited to:
Temperature scans with infrared forehead thermometer.
This is merely a first-line-of-defense precaution.
Children with high temperatures will be sent inside for a more accurate temperature check.
Providing hand sanitizer and surgical masks.
Hand sanitizer will be provided on an as-needed basis.
Masks will not be required for children (unless required by the school), but made available in case somebody’s mask breaks, gets lost, etc.
Adults entering the bus will be required to wear a mask.
Mr. Nate will be wearing a mask whenever on the bus or if entering the school is required.
I am fully vaccinated and boosted, but I will wear a mask as an added precaution to protect any visitors to the bus.
Classes will be limited to 10 children per group whenever possible.
The bus’s windows will be open whenever possible.
Classes will last 25 minutes to allow for cleaning between classes.
There will be a deep cleaning between schools and at the end of every day.
If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions for us to improve our protocols, please feel free to call me at 774-275-7542 or email me at